Player Photos – Rankings – Forums – Screenshots – Guild Bank FAQ
New Recruit:
- Look at 1st bank tab
- Can deposit
- Have fun!
Jr Member
- Learn the guild
- Can take 1 item from 1st guild tab
- Support other members
- If you don’t play for 3 months, you will be removed from the guild
- Can’t recruit yet
- Help other members with instances
- Can recruit
- Can take 2 items from 1st guild bank tab and see what is in the 2nd tab
- Know guild policies
- To advance to Senior Member, you must be active and a part of guild interaction IE: answering questions, participating in raids, events or recruiting
Senior Member
- Can take 2 items from the 1st guild bank tab and 1 from the 2nd
- Expected to be a example to lower members
- To advance to a Knight, you must be willing to take a leadership roll in the guild. Not waiting for someone to ask for help, but asking who needs the help.
- Expected to help run the guild
- Give suggestions to officers and GM on how to make the guild better
- Give input to officers and GM on promotions and demotions
- Should help out others as much as possible
- Can take 2 items from each guild bank tab
- Can only become an officer with a unanimous officer vote
- The top rung of the ladder. The buck stops here.
- Should help out others whenever possible.
- Should have a good idea of who most of the guild members are.
- Can not kick or demote a guild member without a second officer OKing it, preferably the GM.
- Should act as impartial mediator for any disputes. If an officer is partial to one member in a dispute, they should step aside for another officer to decide.
- There will be an officer meeting once a month. This is when promotions are decided.